The database server

For SDSS-V target selection we use a Postgresql database server running on a dedicated machine,, at University of Utah. Details on the server and its configuration are given below.

The parent catalogues and the results of cross-matching and target selection live in the sdss5db database, whose schema can be found here. The files used to create and populate the parent catalogues are part of the sdssdb product. Each parent catalogue must be a well documented publication; the downloaded files are in general maintained at Utah at /uufs/ Additional information about each catalogue can be found in the wiki.

Database preparation

The operations server has 32 CPU cores and approximately 250 GB of RAM with 80 TB of conventional hard drive space. The disks are configured as RAID-6 (?) with about 3TB of SSD disk used as cache. The OS and software runs on a small SSD hard drive partition.

We run a Postgresql 12 server in which we create the sdss5db database. We define two main roles in the server, sdss with full privileges on the database, and sdss_user with read only permissions to catalogdb and targetdb. We create an additional schema sandbox, writeable by sdss_user that can be used for testing by any user.

Each parent catalogue is loaded manually. SQL files and scripts to load each table exists in the directory schema/sdss5db/catalogdb of sdssdb. Overall, the loading process is as follows:

  • Create the new table without data, primary key, or indexes to speed up data insertion.

  • Load the data from CSV files using COPY. For catalogues provided as FITS tables, sdssdb includes a series of tools for efficient ingestion. For large catalogues with multiple input files, the process can be parallelised but since this is an IO-heavy process, it does not make sense to have many more than 6 or 7 concurrent processes (the number of independent disks in the RAID).

  • Create indexes and add the primary key. Add foreign keys, remembering to index the referring column.

For each table with coordinates we create a Q3C index on them for efficient spatial querying, and cluster the table on that index (note that this may decrease the efficiency of other indexes). Alternatively, it’s sometimes faster to recreate the table sorted by the index, CREATE TABLE AS SELECT * FROM tab ORDER BY q3c_ang2ipix(ra,dec);, with the added advantage that no locks are created. See this issue for details.

We also add the pg_healpix and pgunit extensions. Although it’s not installed at Utah, pg_repack provides a way of keeping tables clustered on an index without locks.

Server configuration

The postgresql.conf file with the configuration for the database server is kept under version control in the operations branch of the config product. The default Postgresql configuration is very conservative and not well suited for a database with tables containing billions of rows. In general it’s a good idea to start by using a website such as PGTune to determine the best default configuration for the server parameters. Here are the configurations values we use:

search_path = '"$user",public,catalogdb,targetdb'
max_connections = 20
shared_buffers = 10GB
effective_cache_size = 240GB
maintenance_work_mem = 5GB
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.93
wal_buffers = 32MB
checkpoint_timeout = 60min
effective_io_concurrency = 8
work_mem = 2GB
min_wal_size = 4GB
max_wal_size = 100GB
max_worker_processes = 32
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 16
max_parallel_workers = 32
max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 6

random_page_cost = 1.1
seq_page_cost = 1.0
cpu_index_tuple_cost 0.0001
cpu_operator_cost 0.0025
default_statistics_target = 1000
temp_buffers = 10GB

autovacuum_max_workers = 3
autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = 50
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.001
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.002

shared_preload_libraries = 'auto_explain'
auto_explain.log_analyze = true
auto_explain.log_min_duration = '100s'
auto_explain.log_buffers = 'on'
auto_explain.log_format = 'text'

log_destination = 'stderr'
logging_collector = 'on'
log_statement = 'all'
log_directory = '/scratch/pg_logs'
log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'
log_file_mode = '0666'

All the parameters are explained in the Postgresql documentation but we offer comments on a few key ones with suggestions for the values to use:

  • shared_buffers is the amount of memory used by all the Postgresql server processes. Postgresql loads data from tables and indexes here to operate on them. A generally recommended value is between 25% and one third of the total RAM. However, it seems that allocating more than 8-10GB doesn’t provide a significant benefit and prevents that memory from being used for disk caching. Postgresql will eventually use all this memory and won’t return it. A good explanation of the different types of memory used by Postgresql can be found here

  • work_mem is the memory used by individual processes for hash operations such as sorts or joins. Note that this is the maximum memory allowed to each of such operations so if a query has three hash joins and a sort it will use four times the amount of work_mem. Because of that it’s better to set a conservative value (but larger than the default) and change it locally inside specific transactions using SET LOCAL work_mem = 'X'. This can help efficiency substantially but must be used with care. In some queries involving large tables, setting it to 10GB or even larger helps but one must keep an eye on the memory usage lest the server runs out of RAM and crashes.

  • effective_cache_size is only used by the query planner to determine the approximate size of the disk cache and optimise queries. For a system without fast disk caching this should be the rest of the memory not used by shared_buffers (between two thirds and 75%). In our case we set it to the size of the RAM minus the shared buffers allocation. The value in itself is not important and you won’t run out of memory because of it, but too low a value will make the planner lean towards sequential scans and a very large value will use more indexes (which is only good if fast access to to the index is possible).

  • temp_buffers is the memory allowed for temporary tables. Any temporary table that requires more than this amount of memory is written to disk. As with work_mem it’s best to have a conservative default value and modify it locally within a transaction.

  • maintenance_work_mem is the memory use by each of the maintenance processes such as VACUUM or CREATE INDEX. 5GB is a reasonable value that can be increased locally within a transaction. In general it’s recommended to increase this value by several times during the initial database loading.

  • effective_io_concurrency indicates how many concurrent disk I/O operations are allowed. This is a complicated value to tune in a system with a RAID and SSD cache but in general it seems that setting it to the number of disks in the RAID produces good performance.

  • random_page_cost and seq_page_cost parametrise the relative cost of performing a sequential read of a table versus a random (index) access. In spinning disks, random accesses are up to four times more costly than sequential ones; in SSD disks they are almost equivalent. These values are used by the query planner to calculate the cost associated to operations and determine whether to use a sequential scan or an index. We decrease their relative cost while lowering their absolute value with respect to CPU operations. This results in the planner using indexes for most cases except for the scanning of very large tables for which most or all rows need to be returned. More details are given here.

  • cpu_index_tuple_cost and cpu_operator_cost are the costs associate with processing each index entry during an index scan, and each operator or function, respectively. They don’t seem to impact the query planner very heavily but we reduce them to about a tenth of their original value to account for faster, modern CPUs.

  • default_statistics_target is the fraction of the table that is read during ANALYZE to create statistics about table and index sizes. The default value is 100 and we increase it to 1000 which seems to be a good compromise between reasonably fast runs of ANALYZE and accurate statistics.

  • We set checkpoint_timeout = 60min, checkpoint_completion_target = 0.93, max_wal_size = 100GB, and wal_buffers=32MB, which are considered large values. This should help with large insertions but it’s unclear how much it actually matters.

  • The autovacuum parameters are changed to make sure that up to three autovacuum workers are spun when tables are modified. AUTOVACUUM does not get triggered until a certain fraction of the table has changed. The default values usually fail to trigger a vacuum in large tables so we increase their sensitivity by decreasing the value of autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor and autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor.

  • We configure auto_explain to log to file the EXPLAIN ANALYZE of each query that takes more than 100 seconds. This, along with tools such as PEV2 provides a very useful way to determine why a query is slow and what the query planner is doing. Here is a blog post explaining how to read an EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

  • Finally, we enable file logging to /scratch/pg_logs.

  • For production we do not modify the fsync or synchronous_commit parameters since we don’t see a very significant improvement and they entail some risk. During the initial database loading it’s probably a good idea to at least set synchronous_commit=off. More details are available here.

Connecting and using the database

These instructions assume that you have access to the Utah system. The operations machine is only accessible by a small group of users but the server is available from any other virtual machine. Once you have ssh’d to your favourite machine at Utah, create or edit your ~/.pgpass with the line


where XXX is the password that needs to be requested from an administrator. Set the permissions to the file by running chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass. Now you should be able to connect to the server as

psql -U sdss_user -h sdss5db

Alternatively you can create an ssh tunnel to any machine at Utah and forward the Postgresql port from operations, e.g.

ssh -l {your_utah_username} -L {a_port_of_your_choosing}

(you can use any machine, not just the manga VM). Then add a .pgpass file as the above in your system and do

psql -U sdss_user -h localhost -p {a_port_of_your_choosing} sdss5db

Beyond raw SQL queries for testing, the easiest way to work with the database is by using sdssdb. From a machine at Utah it’s best to use the operations miniconda Python install by doing module load miniconda/3.7.7_operations which includes the latest version of sdssdb. Once that is loaded you can import the database connection and models for catalogdb or targetdb by doing

>>> from sdssdb.peewee.sdss5db import database
>>> database.set_profile('operations')
>>> database.connected
>>> from sdssdb.peewee.sdss5db import catalogdb, targetdb

Refer to the sdssdb documentation for details on how to use the profiles, models, and other connection options.

If you are connecting via an ssh tunnel, the operations profile won’t work, instead do

>>> from sdssdb.peewee.sdss5db import database
>>> database.connect_from_parameters(user='sdss_user', host='localhost', port={a_port_of_your_choosing})

There are some more details and tips on using the database server in the wiki.

Tips for running queries efficiently

(These tips are written in raw SQL but they are equally applicable if you’re using sdssdb/ORM). While testing queries, especially long-running ones, it’s important to make sure a limit is applied in some way. The easiest way is to add a LIMIT to the query to return only the first N results (make sure to order your query if you want the results to be reproducible). For example:

SELECT * FROM catalog c
    INNER JOIN catalog_to_tic_v8 ctic USING (catalogid)
    INNER JOIN tic_v8 tic ON = ctic.target_id
    INNER JOIN gaia_dr2_source gaia ON gaia.source_id = tic.gaia_int
WHERE gaia.parallax < 0.5
ORDER BY gaia.parallax DESC
LIMIT 100;

will return the catalog information for the 100 Gaia targets with the largest parallaxes as long as those are < 0.5. This query runs in ~20s while the query without the LIMIT could take more than one hour. You can also use aggregate functions such as COUNT(*) to get statistics from your queries.

Alternatively, it’s possible to limit your results by doing a radial query:

SELECT * FROM catalog c
    INNER JOIN catalog_to_tic_v8 ctic USING (catalogid)
    INNER JOIN tic_v8 tic ON = ctic.target_id
    INNER JOIN gaia_dr2_source gaia ON gaia.source_id = tic.gaia_int
WHERE q3c_radial_query(c.ra, c.dec, 100, 20, 1);

This query will return all the catalog rows that are cross-matched with Gaia DR2 and that fall within a radius of 1 degree around (100, 20) deg.

For very large queries it’s best to avoid using a naked SELECT statement that outputs to the terminal. For example SELECT * FROM unwise will return 2 billion rows and 300 columns. What’s more, the output needs to be cached and will probably be larger than the amount of RAM available, crashing the database server. And even if the query works you won’t be able to process it in any useful way from the screen. Instead, save the results to a new table:

CREATE TABLE sandbox.temp_results AS SELECT * FROM unwise;

All users can use the sandbox schema for this purpose (it’s writeable even by the sdss_user role). Remember to drop your table once you’re done with it. You can use temporary tables but note that those will disappear automatically once you close the connection.